Long time no see huh...seseorg mencari tutorial ni, pastu wt kn jela since xde keje nk wt kn..hehe :) so here you go :
ini rupe sidebar yg ade border...nk kemas sikitla...depend kt kreativiti and cara anda susun widget2 blog ni >.<
1st of all, pi kat page cm gmbar ni....klik 'template' > EDIT HTML
(dulu rupe dy len sket, skrg dh len....*act, dh lame dh depa ubah rupe cmni...wakaka)
(dulu rupe dy len sket, skrg dh len....*act, dh lame dh depa ubah rupe cmni...wakaka)
ok, pastu anda akn nmpk kod2 yg serabut2 ni...klik kt kod ni pastu baru tekan CTRL+F
carik kod ni : ]]></b:skin>
dh jumpe kn?? pastu paste kod bwh ni ATAS kod ]]></b:skin>
.sidebar .widget {
background: #FFF;
border-top: 4px solid #F5A9BC;
border-bottom: 4px solid #A9BCF5;
border-left: 4px solid #A9BCF5;
border-right: 4px solid #F5A9BC;
margin:5px 5px 1.0em;
padding:0px 5px 1.0em;
border-radius: 10px;
pastu tekan PREVIEW dulu..kalo ok, just SAVE!!
actually, kod2 ni boleh je edit2 tukar wrna...nk tukar wrna ce cek kod wrna kt sini : color chart
yg 10px tuuu bole ubah berapa pun korg nk border tu melekung tara mna...ok?/

thanks taw!!
ReplyDeletesecond time menolong saya...
really appreciate ur kindness...
erm, kenapa cri kod " ]]> " xde?? huahua T_T .. help me ?!